Monday, February 18, 2013

Sneak-Peek Release Date for Songs of the Victorians!

This week's updates are fairly slim, since I've been working on polishing the essay on Caroline Norton's song "Juanita" that I described in last week's post.  This essay will be the first published text in Songs of the Victorians and is also my paper for INCS.

In addition to my writing, I also made some small adjustments to Songs of the Victorians.  As you can see if you visit the site, I've included the Victorian wallpaper background image I revealed in my post on the redesign so now it almost has the complete look.  I also added google analytics to my site so I can learn a bit more about my audience.  It's a fascinating tool: it tells you how many people visit your site and what countries they live in.  I can imagine it would be easy to get addicted to updates of this sort of data, but I plan to use it sparingly, mainly to get a sense of how to better advertise my site.

The most important update is that I now have a date for the sneak-peek release of Songs of the Victorians: it will be Monday, March 11th! I wanted the release to be in conjunction with INCS, but I need it to go live a few days before the conference itself (March 14-17) to give participants a chance to read my paper online where they can hear the audio file and see the score highlighted in time with the music to help guide them through my musical analysis.  I plan on publicizing Songs of the Victorians on twitter (@annieswafford), Facebook, google+, the VICTORIA listserv, and by word of mouth, but I'd love any advice anyone might have on the best ways to publicize such projects:  should I also publicize it through my accounts on or LinkedIn? What hash tag should I use for twitter publicizing? Should I advertise the day before and the day of the release? Or should I just wait until it has gone live and then alert everyone?

Thanks in advance for your feedback!

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